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Have you ever quoted scripture to help a friend? That is the heart of Spiritual Warfare.
Why not let the love of God lead how you support others through terrible --or everday-- struggles?
Each turn, players respond to real-life Scenarios with Scripture, making connections between biblical wisdom and daily challenges.
"As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." (John 9:4 NIV)
At the start of each round, the Starter chooses Day or Night. This decision determines which side of the Scenario and Scripture cards will be used for that round.
Each player begins with 4 Scripture cards. The Active Player draws a Scenario card and reads it aloud. Other players choose the best Scripture card to respond. Players may read parts of their Scripture aloud before the Active Player selects the most fitting response. The selected player earns 1 point.
Play moves to the next Active Player to the left. After the Starter has played twice, the next player becomes the new Starter and chooses Day or Night. The first player to reach a set score (e.g., 5 points) wins.
Collaborative Mode: All players must agree on the best Scripture. If no agreement is reached, the turn is a stalemate. If half the turns result in stalemates, the team loses.
Two-Player Deck Building: Players start with 4 Scripture cards each. Four Scenario cards are placed face-down. On the count of three, both players flip two scenarios and may play on up to four scenarios. More than one Scripture can be matched to each scenario. If both players agree on the best Scripture, the player who submitted it keeps all cards played for that scenario. The player with the most cards when the draw pile runs out wins.
One-Player Turns (Rapid Matching): Each player takes turns playing solo. Before the timer starts, the player reads all four of their Scripture cards. A 25-second timer starts, and they draw four Scenario cards, matching them as quickly as possible. Only clear matches count, and at least one phrase must be read aloud for each match. At the end of the round, players compare how many matches they made.
Quickly read the three-line summary at the top of each Scripture card to find a possible match. Younger players or those who prefer a faster game can stop there, while others may scan the full passage for a deeper fit. Underlined sections in the paragraph text highlight key quotes from the summary.
Stay tuned for an instructional video that will walk you through gameplay!