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Invite your friends to this page! Each player will receive random cards.
How it works:
Each player gets 1 Scenario Card and 4 Scripture Cards.
The Day/Night theme affects which cards are drawn.
Click Replace under a card to draw a new one.
Keep track of your own points as you play.
At the start of each round, the Starter chooses Day or Night. This decision determines which side of the Scenario and Scripture cards will be used for that round.
Each player begins with 4 Scripture cards. The Active Player draws a Scenario card and reads it aloud. Other players choose the best Scripture card to respond. Players may read parts of their Scripture aloud before the Active Player selects the most fitting response. The selected player earns 1 point.
Play moves to the next Active Player to the left. After the Starter has played twice, the next player becomes the new Starter and chooses Day or Night. The first player to reach a set score (e.g., 5 points) wins.
See Alternative Gameplay for options with fewer than 2 players. Online play may not work for fewer than three players.